
تعليق واحد

  • تعليق رسمي
    Ahmed Eweida

    Sometimes authored and submitted resources are not immediately available, or can become unavailable. This guide will help you in knowing how to respond to a missing resource.


    Open Author Resources:

    To check the status of your authored material click your name in the upper right hand corner of the homepage, and in the dropdown menu select “My Items.” In the menu bar that says “All Items” select “Authored Items.” If a resource has the word “draft” next to it, it means that it has not yet been published. In this case, edit your resource and make sure to select “publish” at the final screen.

    Sometimes resources get mistakenly flagged by our quality control software. If this is the case, it will say “This resource may not meet our quality guidelines. We’ve taken it out of our search results, but feel free to request a review if you believe this is an error. You can also continue editing this resource. It will be reconsidered for the collection when you publish your changes” next to your Open Author item. You will also receive an email notifying you of this. If this happens, please edit your resource or contact SHMS and we will review it.


    Submitted Resources:

    To check you the status of your submitted click your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and in the drop down menu select “My Items.” In the menu bar that says “All Items” select “Submitted Items.”Sometimes the resource you are looking for or have submitted has not yet been approved for publishing. In the case the resource will say “pending” next to it. If you feel like your resource is taking too long to be reviewed, please contact SHMS.

    Sometimes the URLs of a resource will move, making your resource unavailable. In this case the resource will say “unavailable” next to it. Please contact SHMS in this case and the administrator will find the new URL for your address if possible.

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