Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching materials that teachers may freely use, adapt, and re-share.
In addition to being a digital library of OER, SHMS is a platform for creating, adapting, and sharing OER.
There are thousands educational resources on SHMS designed for students from elementary through post-secondary, professional, and adult education. Subject areas include:
- Applied Science
- Arts and Humanities
- Business and Communication
- Career and Technical Education
- Education
- English and Language Arts
- History
- Law
- Life Science
- Mathematics
- Physical Science
- Social Science
Open Educational Resources (OER) give educators the ability to adapt instructional resources to the individual needs of their students, to ensure that resources are up to-date, and to ensure that cost is not a barrier to accessing high-quality standards aligned resources.
Teachers, students, and others can tag, rate, and review materials, and share what works for them using the OER tools on SHMS.
SHMS was created to serve curriculum experts and educators in discovering open educational resources and collaborating around the use, evaluation, and improvement of those materials.
See also: Usage Rights, and Creating OER